Thursday, April 24, 2008

A bundle of belated pictures

Featuring Ed 2010's lovely founder/Ms. CosmoGirl herself:

And equally lovely interviewers:

Chandra loves her job so much that it comes home with her each night (see green folder bursting with papers that are thirsting to be edited)

This Executive Editor is so smokin' hot that two water bottles were necessary!

And of course, she is just as friendly and down-to-earth as she is inspirational and amazing :-)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chandra Czape Turner

Chandra Czape Turner, founder of Ed2010 and Executive Editor of CosmoGIRL! magazine came to TCNJ tonight for a question-and-answer panel hosted by Ed@TCNJ. It was a great evening, and we're so thankful to Chandra for coming to speak with us! Here is a picture I took during the event. If you have any more, post them here! I'll repost them on the Ed@TCNJ website, which you can visit here.

Ed's Biggest Event Ever.

So, it finally happened. Chandra Czape Turner, executive editor of CosmoGIRL! and Founder of Ed2010 visited our campus here at little 'ole TCNJ! She provided tips and insight into the magazine industry and inspired us to get our foot (well, feet) in the door.

A small bit of Chandra's awesome advice for those of you that missed out:

1. Work hard on your cover letters!
Cover letters may seem secondary to your resume, but according to Chandra, they are crucial! Don't write and send out generic "To Whom It May Concern" emails. Study up and KNOW the magazine you are applying to work for. Tell them why you would be the best person for the job and why you know the magazine better than anyone else.

2. Your new mantra should be--"I CAN get an internship." It's not impossible. Your odds go up when you apply. That mentality of thinking there are too many qualified applicants that you don't stand a chance, is simply untrue. Chandra hears about many internships that go unfilled and even more that only have a small applicant pool. So, be in charge of your career and apply! Check out for listings and take a dip in that pool!

3. Be THAT intern. Chandra has had her share of forgettable interns, but she has also had lots of great interns. Several staff members at CG! were actually interns before they landed their full-time positions. Chandra stressed the importance of working on your college publications and getting those internships! Be that intern who does work without being asked or does a little extra to make it easier on your editor. Make yourself memorable.

4. You CAN have it all.
It seems nearly impossible to live in NYC, work for a top magazine and have a family. It just doesn't seem feasible, but Chandra proves you can have it all. You may have to make sacrifices and its a learning process, but you can make it happen.

Thanks to Chandra for taking time out of her busy schedule (an understatement really) to come visit us! Also thanks to Kat for proving why she is going to be an awesome CUB Director next year. She really pulled through to help organize and amazing event. And, finally thanks to Alex for all the amazing flyers, and the rest of the Ed@TCNJ crew for being so amazing :)